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A. Option B
B. Option C
C. Option D
D. Option A
Answer: D
Which of the following helps an employee to access his corporation's network while traveling?
A. Remote Assistance
B. Computer management
C. Remote access
D. Task Manager
Answer: C
In most enterprises, networks secure remote access has become an important component. Remote access helps in accessing a computer or a network from a remote distance. In corporations, people working in branch offices, telecommuters, and people who are traveling may need to access the corporation s network. Home users can access the Internet through remote access to an Internet service provider (ISP).
Answer option B is incorrect. Remote Assistance is a windows feature to enable support personnel (helper) to provide technical support to a remote user (host). Through Remote Assistance a helper can view Windows session of a host on his computer itself. Remote Assistance works as follows:
A remote user sends an invitation to an Administrator (or expert) through e-mail or Windows Messenger.
The Administrator accepts the request and can then view the users desktop.
To maintain privacy and security, all communication is encrypted. Remote Assistance can be used only with the permission of the person who requires the assistance.
Note: If the user has enabled the Allow this computer to be controlled remotely option in Remote control section of Remote Assistance Settings dialog box, an expert can even take control of the keyboard and mouse of a remote computer to guide the user.
Answer option D is incorrect. Computer Management is an administrative tool that allows administrators to manage the local computer in several ways, but it cannot be used to provide remote assistance to a user.
Answer option C is incorrect. The Task Manager utility provides information about programs and processes running on a computer. By using Task Manager, a user can end or run programs, end processes, and display a dynamic overview of his computers performance. Task Manager provides an immediate overview of system activity and performance.
The SAS data set EMPLOYEE_INFO is listed below:
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc sort data = employee_info;
< insert BY statement here>
Which one of the following BY statements completes the program and sorts the data sequentially by descending expense values within each descending IDNUMBER value?
A. by IDNumber descending Expenses descending;
B. by descending IDNumber descending Expenses;
C. by descending IDNumber Expenses;
D. by (IDNumber Expenses) descending;
Answer: B
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